A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Walton Oak Primary School

Term Dates

 TERM DATES 2024 - 2025

Autumn Term  2024
Monday 2nd September INSET Day 1
Tuesday 3rd September INSET Day 2
Wednesday 4th September Children return to school
Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November  Half Term
Monday 4th November INSET Day 3
Tuesday 5h November Children return to school
Friday 20th December End of term for children 1.45 pm
Spring Term 2025
Monday 6th January Children return to school
Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February Half Term
Monday 24th February Children return to school
Friday 4th April End of term for children 1.45 pm

Summer Term 2025

Tuesday 22nd April Children return to school
Monday 5th May Bank Holiday
Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May Half Term
Monday 2nd June Children return to school
Friday 18th July End of term for children 1.45 pm
Monday 21st July INSET Day 4
Tuesday 22nd July INSET Day 5

TERM DATES 2025 -2026

Autumn Term 2025
Tuesday 2nd September INSET DAY 1
Wednesday 3rd September INSET DAY 2
Thursday 4th September Children return to school
Friday 24th October INSET DAY 3
Monday 27th October - Friday 31st October Half Term 
Monday 3rd November Children return to school
Friday 19th December Last day of term (finish at 1.45pm)
Spring Term 2026
Monday 5th January    Children return to school
Monday 16th February - Friday 20th February Half Term
Monday 23rd February Children return to school
Friday 27th March Last day of term (Finish at 1.45pm)


Summer Term 2026
Monday 13th April Children return to school
Monday 25th May - Friday 29th May Half Term
Monday 1st June Children return to school
Friday 17th July Last day of term (finish at 1.45pm)
Monday 20th July INSET DAY 4
Tuesday 21st July INSET DAY 5

The Education (School Day and School Year) (England) Regulations 1999 (SI 1999 No.3181) requires schools to have at least 380 half-day sessions (190 days) in each school year, beginning with the first term to start after July. An additional five days are required for in-service training (INSET days).

For an academy school such as ours, the Trust Board of Directors is able to set term and holiday dates for Lumen schools.  This means our term dates could vary slightly from those set by Surrey County Council in any academic year.

Whilst we try and align our term dates as closely as possible with Surrey's, our decision-making is based on the needs and best interests of our pupils. This can include scheduling more than one Inset day at the end of the summer term as children benefit from an earlier end date after what is usually a long and tiring half term or by having a slightly later return after the Christmas and New Year holiday period, which is usually a busy and intense time for our pupils, to ensure they have the most successful possible start to the Spring Term.

Walton Oak Primary School