A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Walton Oak Primary School

PTA: Friends of Walton Oak

Welcome to the Friends of Walton Oak

The Friends of Walton Oak (FOWO) is the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) of Walton Oak School. FOWO’s role is to help build a sense of community at Walton Oak and enrich the children's school experience.

We do this by organising various events such as the Christmas and Summer Fairs, end of year discos and the parents' quiz nights.  We also run initiatives such as second-hand uniform/fancy dress rail in the school foyer to help our school families - and encourage recycling!

Though not our primary focus, we do fundraise through our activities. We are a registered charity (charity number 801702) with the purpose of raising funds for items/experiences (big or small) that are of direct benefit to the children. In 2024, FOWO contributed £5k towards the installation of a new trim trail: while in 2023, we donated £8k towards the refurbishment of the Early Years play area, funding a stream and water wall. 

You can keep up with our activities by reading The Wire, following us on Facebook and Instagram or joining the Classlist app. You are also welcome to come to the termly committee meeting in the school hall. This is open to all parents/carers and is a good way to find out more about FOWO's latest activities. Keep an eye on the calendar for dates.


Walton Oak Primary School