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Walton Oak Primary School



Our Computing curriculum at Walton Oak aims to prepare children to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world around them. We ensure that children become digitally literate at a level suitable for the future workplace and to be active participants in a digital world. Children are able to use, express and develop their ideas through information and communication technology in an efficient and effective way. Children become confident in using technology safely and positively. The curriculum also supports creativity, encouraging children to become creators and developers. Children develop their digital literacy skills and become fluent in a range of tools and technologies. Teachers plan and link Computing into other areas of the curriculum enabling children to see how their computing skills are transferable. 


At Walton Oak, Computing is taught for one hour per week by the class teachers. Teachers follow the National Curriculum which has been mapped out through a Progression Map and Computing Whole School Overview. Years 1-6 use the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) resources to support their planning and teaching of the Computing curriculum. Each year group considers how to support Computing links across the curriculum, planning these into each year group’s Curriculum Framework. The curriculum is a spiral one, meaning that the themes are revisited at least once each year, consolidating and building on prior learning. 

The Curriculum is broken down into these themes:

  • Computing Systems and Networks 
  • Creating Media 
  • Data and Information 
  • Programming 


At Walton Oak we aim for all children to be able to use technologies effectively and positively. Children are able to use and combine a variety of software on a range of devices to achieve a desired outcome. The curriculum aims for children to be able to build evaluation and analytical skills through reviewing and amending their work. Children will begin to understand how technology is an integral part of daily life and the benefits and potential issues associated. We aim for all children to leave Walton Oak with a strong foundation of digital literacy and the confidence to use technology to further their learning and life choices. 

Walton Oak Primary School