A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Assemblies follow a weekly theme linked to our PSHE Jigsaw scheme. Monday introduces this theme which is followed up in phase assemblies across Key Stage 1 and 2 later in the week, as well as in individual class assemblies. In addition to this, each phase also has a singing assembly.

The week ends with our Friday celebration assembly, where all those who received gold leaves as part of our Stay on Green system are celebrated. Friday is also the day that all classes receive 'green time' linked to their class's individual green points target with a reward chosen by them.

Our Assembly rota is as follows:

Whole school assembly

KS1 phase assembly / KS2 year group assembly

KS1 year group assembly / KS2 singing assembly

KS1 singing assembly /KS2 phase assembly

Whole school celebration assembly

Walton Oak Primary School