A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Our Nursery

Welcome to Walton Oak Nursery

The nursery is an integral part of the wider Walton Oak family, working alongside our Reception year groups and supporting children in taking their first steps towards being school-ready.

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage framework in an engaging, creative, friendly and encouraging environment. 


Our Provision

Our Nursery children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. You can read about this by following this link: https://www.gov.uk/early-years-foundation-stage. This child-led approach allows for 'teaching alongside' as well as direct adult-led activities, such as learning to count, sounds and letters. Children follow the phonics programme, 'Letters and Sounds' (Phase 1).

Our Facilities

We have a range of ways to stimulate learning through the outdoors.  We have a well-equipped outdoor space, just for our Early Years children which includes:

  • mini trim trail
  • stage & dressing up
  • a mud kitchen
  • bikes and trikes
  • sandpit

We also have a wide range of construction material for children to explore.  We seek to develop children's Mathematics and Language skills through this space as much as possible.

Session Options

Our Nursery offers 15 and 30 hour places.  As you are probably aware 15 hours is free, to parents of 3 year old children, and it is funded by the government.

Whilst offering the allocated number of 15 hour government funded nursery places will take priority, if spaces allow, there may be an opportunity to offer 30 hours childcare.

This could be either offered to parents claiming 30 hours free childcare or parents who may want to fund the additional 15 hours themselves.

The nursery offers three separate sessions.  These are:

Option 1 - Butterflies (15 Hours) - Monday & Tuesday 8.45am - 3.15pm, Wednesday 8.45am - 11.45am

Option 2 - Ladybirds (15 Hours) - Wednesday 12.15pm - 3.15pm, Thursday & Friday 8.45am - 3.15pm

Option 3 - 30 hours  - Monday to Friday 8.45am - 3.15pm

Please contact the school office on 01932 259604 to speak to the Office Manager about a place.

Nursery Intake

Places for three/four year olds

All children will be eligible for admission to our nursery class in the term after they turn 3 years, although admission will be subject to an application being made and places being available.

Register for a nursery place

To register your child for a nursery place, please complete the application form below and return it to the school office by hand, post or email at office.waltonoak@lumenlearningtrust.co.uk

There are 2 versions of the form available - PDF & Word document.  The Word document is editable and can be returned by email.  We will then hold your application on file and contact you when places become available.

You can register your child for our Nursery once they have turned 18 months old.  You may use the same application form but annotate it to show the year you wish to apply for.

School Place Application

Children in our Nursery are not automatically enrolled into the School's Reception class.  You can apply for a reception class place in the school on the Surrey Admissions website www.surreycc.gov.uk/admissions  or you can call on 0300 200 1004. 

Nursery Admissions Policy

15 hour nursery places are offered using Surrey County Council admission criteria as a guide.

  • First Priority – children with exceptional arrangements / special educational needs.
  • Second Priority – children with siblings already attending the school upon entry to the Nursery.
  • Third Priority – the child’s date of birth in relation to the curriculum year available, with the oldest children taking priority. The curriculum year runs from September through to the following August.  
  • Fourth priority - to children for whom the school is nearest (distance measured in a straight line from the address point of the pupil’s house, as set out by Ordnance Survey to the front gate of the school).

30 Hours Entitlement

For further information on checking your eligibility for the 30 hours childcare entitlement please visit: 

  • 30 hours childcare : for more information about 30 hours childcare and how to apply for your code
  • Childcare Choices Website: for more information about childcare choice s or to apply for your 30 hour childcare code.
Walton Oak Primary School